

to the most comprehensive website on Pret A Manger from behind the facade. The Elephant in the room that the press like to ignore. I declined 4 NDA offers from Pret for my silence.

The only thing Pret do is report me to social media as well as here to WordPress. And since around 2019 WordPress has moved my website into the “adult” section where they store porn sites, meaning, anyone who is logged in to WordPress can NOT find my blog when searching for Pret A Manger articles within the WordPress Reader section.

Since then also the following of my blog has decreased as people on WordPress can’t find my blog.

Even though I PAY WordPress for my site, they still censor me on Pret’s behalf. But my work is scattered all over the Internet! And I won’t be silenced!

The info you find here on this blog, you won’t find on Wikipedia which is out-dated.

УКРАЇНЦІ, НЕ працюйте на мережу кафе Pret A Manger!

УКРАИНЦЫ, НЕ работайте на сеть ресторанов Pret A Manger!

Pret lure workers in with “charity” and promises, but only use workers for PR and as cheap labour. Whatever job you find, ALWAYS join a union!

Even if the company seems nice and you never have a problem, always join a union first thing when you start in a company. 

NEW Podcast: expretcast.

Please understand that my website here isn’t the most professional looking. I fund this website solely by myself, am not a professional web developer, and have no help. I suffer with PTSD, have on and off alcohol issues and still struggle with suicidal thoughts after all the losses, starting with my brother. His death we didn’t know for 5 weeks and I had to learn via an EMAIL that he died AND was already cremated!!! 

Since then investigating his death and seeing my parents deteriorate, Pret fired me days after my dad came out of a 3-week coma. I took Pret to the Tribunal but withdrew the case when my dad died in the middle of preparing for the case. I couldn’t bury my mum during the pandemic, and all the trauma that Pret put me through. I have written evidence of everything, that’s why Pret neither sue me, nor since I write publicly since 2018 did they respond.

I just wrote the largest exposé on Pret to expose this company and also to distract myself from having lost my family one by one within 7 years.

Please click on this “mindmap” for a brief overview of the many Pret issues I cover. Also, English is not my first language, I learnt it as an adult. My aim is just to get info out.

Some important issues:
BBC report on Pret’s Subscription service came out written by Mike Powell. I tweeted at Mike’s Twitter account when he tweeted at Pret as a customer why he could never get a smoothie on the coffee subscrption. I didn’t know he’s a BBC reporter as his Twitter account is very low key. He DM’d me for collaboration. Then the following article came about:
Pret A Manger customers complain over drinks subscription deal

I also helped Mike on his 2. Pret article Feb. 2023 after he asked me for help again.

I’m a survivor of Pret and almost died by suicide after what I went through there, which involved the top leadership of Pret incl. former CEO Clive Schlee. I am honoured for Pret staff to contact me with leaks that I pass on to the press. And sometimes people are confused why I write so fearlessly vs Pret while they fell for Pret’s BS.

I decided to turn investigative “journalist” myself, exposing Pret on various issues, but mainly staffing issues. I write from 10 years experience in over 30 Pret shops, having survived systemic bullying DURING bereavement.

For other press reports by the BBC as well as The Guardian, Mirror etc. that I influenced or got started, please see expret.org/media

One important theme on my blog is Pret’s psychologically abusive emotional labour practices via weekly micromanaging Mystery Shopper visits. For extensive writings, including several Pret Mystery Shopper reports, please see:
The Dangers of Emotional Labour

Also, Pret RE-founder & itsu founder Julian Metcalfe is in Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book”. I “chased” Metcalfe off Twitter which I link to in above article.

Pret have new words on shop fronts or cups simply saying “London 1986” as Pret refuse to acknowledge the original Pret founder, the late Jeffrey Hyman who started Pret in 1983. A friend of Hyman told me on Twitter that someone on behalf of Pret kept changing Pret’s Wikipedia page. So, since the Wiki entry can’t be changed to exclude Hyman, Pret just brainwash the public on shop entries.

2022-01-10 Hyman Wikipedia


Organic Coffin Natural Fools

Just a few of the many, many Pret employee reviews and comments from various platforms, review sites, social media, as well as customer observations and complaints. To keep it short, I just post a selected “few” from different years and locations, but there is much, much more which I posted throughout my blog and on my YouTube playlist:


2022-06-05 Support


2022-06-05 Staff done working for Pret daily harrassment


Trustpilot review:

2019 Trustpilot staff review slavery

Right-click Link to open in new window.

2021-08-12 bullshit talk ruthless practices


etc. etc. etc.

Some other reviews from staff which I haven’t updated with recent ones, but just leave it here to show the systemic issues in Pret happening since years. Pret has always been hard to work for, but the pandemic has made the CEO and executives even more harsh with staff all while pretending to be friendly and kind. Pano Christou received £4m in bonus and a 27% pay-rise in 2021 after cutting wages during the pandemic. I really feel bad for staff. Work conditions must be even more like close towards slavery now. Christou caters to shareholders and it’s a question of time when more staff will break or leave.

Again, the following are just few of MANY MANY reviews along those lines since Pret reviews started in 2011:


Review dont work at Pret


Review quick money grab


2011 I Hate Pret Fuck Pret


2021 Review coerced for sex


Review sex in staff roomLink

Review sex with manager


Review Tweet sex harrassment


“AMF” here means assistant manager floor (or front of house). AMK is assistant manager kitchen.

Review AMF


And many more.

I knew of team members who were clueless about the job, but getting promotions and it was an open secret how they got promoted. And a former longtime shop manager contacted me recently and told me that half of Pret’s HQ is sleeping with the other half of HQ, incl. names of who with who etc. Just the “usual” corporate stuff.

Senior Leadership Review:



01 Go back to UK

Review by a Corporate, NY


Never go to Pret



2018 Bullying staff killing customers






Annihilate Humanity 45


Former CEO Clive Schlee’s legacy after TWO customers died and low-wage staff are bullied to “perform” with a smiley front:

2019-06-30 44 staff 50 Clive


Current CEO Pano Christou since September 2019:

2021-12-22 Stats Pano 45 47

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My Interview
with The Adam Paradox Podcast


A group on facebook that is quite blunt started in 2011 but cannot easily be found as Facebook hides them from public search. I only stumbled on them in early 2019 by accident: “I Hate Pret A Manger” under Facebook.com/preth8ers

And former employee Andrej Stopa who was fired in 2012 for helping to start a Union. He started the Pret A Manger Staff Union (PAMSU).

Unfortunately both groups aren’t very active currently, but just to link to them as well for current Pret employees’ reference.

“Shadow banned” (censored) on social media
At times I am shadow banned (secretly censored) where my posts are hidden from the public, my likes are not visible etc. Twitter and Facebook are affected as Pret must have reported me. No new readers can see my tweets, “likes” and won’t find my Twitter account and posts in search. Only I can see it when logged in. Only visiting my Twitter profile directly can my Tweets be seen during a ban. My followers won’t be notified of any new posts, “likes” and DMs. Even PRIVATE messages are deleted by Facebook when I add a link to my blog.

Twitter shadow bans can be checked on the following site whosban.eu.org

On 02. Dec. 2021 shadowban.eu has shut down for good as they can’t keep up with Twitter’s advanced technology. They made a statement on their front page. And shadowban.io is completely unreliable and/or outdated as well.

But there’s a new shadow ban tester (as in 2022) that’s pretty reliable so far.


In memory of my big brother

(Some I use more, others rarely, most via private)


… and other platforms I keep un-mentioned here
as I have important contacts there.







If you would like to donate, it would be appreciated. Thank you! I first put a minimum of £1 to select but find that people just donate £1 to see my PayPal details.


©2017 – Present: expret.org, poetrasblok.com, LateNightGirl.org unless otherwise stated. All Rights reserved.

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