Bipolar manager unfairly dismissed


I thought this only happened to me… I describe my story of emailing in “Not Quite A Beautiful Mind



“Bipolar manager who sent ‘unprofessional’ emails was unfairly dismissed, tribunal rules”

“Despite employee’s ‘inappropriate’ conduct, sacking was discriminatory

A senior manager at a hospital who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after being summarily dismissed for sending offensive emails to her colleagues and visiting the house of her boss after working hours was unfairly dismissed, a Birmingham tribunal has found.

Mrs S Wheeley lodged a claim for unfair dismissal and disability discrimination after she was dismissed from her job at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust for sending a series of inappropriate emails her union representative described as “the shortest [professional] suicide note in history”.

Wheeley was employed by the trust from October 1996, and was most recently head of informatics. She had suffered from recurring periods of depression as a teenager, for which she had been treated with an antidepressant medication. …”


Discrimination claim won at the Tribunal


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