On the Lookout for a Humane HR Department

Andrea Wareham, Pret’s Director of HR, who was present when CEO Clive Schlee labelled me his “late night girl”, has a contradicting text on her Twitter profile. It’s the typical slogan problem with Pret, they always give themselves away. And at the same time trying to cover up the true face they try to hide.

What’s wrong with this text?

It’s not a multiple choice question!

Who will spot what is wrong with this text?

“We are always on the look out for those who enjoy working hard in a fun environment.”



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The above slideshow is just a selection, the list goes on in —> Pret Staff Complaints

Article: Why is Pret A Manger not being Investigated on Two recent Staff Deaths?

I worked at Pret A Manger for almost 10 years and survived systemic workplace bullying during bereavement that involved HR, the top leadership, HQ and even the now “retired” former CEO Clive Schlee. I declined 4 settlement offers if I am silent about my ordeal. But I rather starve and speak out to help others. For an overview of important blog entries of my experience with Pret, please visit “My Ordeal with Pret A Manger”. The little arrow to the right next to each heading will lead directly to the post.
I tell my story for the first time verbally in below audio player interview on a podcast by The Adam Paradox, and wrote an article in the
Scottish Left Review.
Thank you for reading/listening.


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